Real Estate Social Network: Top Platforms For Success in 2024





Struggling to make waves in the real estate market? Here’s a fact: 99% of millennials and 90% of baby boomers begin their home searches online. This article will guide you through the top social media platforms and strategies to grow your real estate network effectively.

Read on for success tips that truly work.

Key Takeaways

  • Social media is important for real estate because a lot of people start looking for homes online. It helps agents connect with buyers and sellers.
  • Choosing the right platform matters in real estate social media. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Trulia, Zillow, Active Rain, and NextDoor are top sites for agents to use.
  • Posting often and using hashtags can make more people see your posts. Sharing photos and success stories builds trust with followers.
  • Tools like SocialBee help schedule posts so they reach more people. Knowing when your audience is online makes a big difference.
  • Mixing different types of content like videos and photos keeps followers interested. Teaching them about buying or selling homes can also help you stand out as an expert.

The Role of Social Media in Real Estate

real estate social network

It’s a place where you can share stories, give tips, and show off new listings. Think of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – they’re like huge online spots where everyone hangs out.

Choosing the best platform is key. You want a place with lots of interested users who love talking about homes. Also, posting at the right times can make a huge difference. Platforms like SocialBee are tools that help you plan and schedule your posts so more people see them.

This way, you stay in front of potential buyers and sellers without spending all day online.

Top 10 Real Estate Social Network Platforms

Picking the right social network is key for real estate pros. These top spots offer a mix of chat, photos, and house info to spread the word about listings and build connections.


Facebook stands out in the real estate social media world. Its wide user base and tools make it perfect for marketing houses and connecting with clients. You can’t post listings on Marketplace anymore, but don’t worry.

There are other ways to shine here. Use lead ads to find people looking for homes. Plan events to show off your open housesMessenger lets you talk directly with potential buyers or sellers.

For a real estate professional, Facebook is like a busy city square where everyone meets. Here, you can share stories of happy homeowners or give tips on finding the best property deals.

It’s all about getting folks to notice and trust you as their go-to agent in this vibrant community.


Instagram is a top pick for real estate agents looking to show off fancy homes and properties. With its focus on pictures, it’s perfect for catching the eye of people who love looking at beautiful places.

Most folks using Instagram are young, between 25 and 34 years old. This group often thinks about buying their first home or moving up to something bigger.

Real estate pros can make the most of Instagram by creating posts that mix stunning photos with helpful tips on buying or selling homes. They should also share stories about happy clients and successful deals to build trust.

Using hashtags wisely helps too; they get your posts in front of more eyes, especially those hunting for their dream home or wanting to sell one. Engaging with followers by replying to comments or liking their content keeps the conversation going and builds a community around your brand.


LinkedIn stands out as a top spot for folks in real estate. It’s not just another social site; it’s where the pros hang out. Think of it as your go-to for making connections with other agents and industry bigwigs.

On LinkedIn, sharing your success stories or new listings gets you noticed by people who mean business.

This platform is all about growing your professional circle. With its focus on work achievements and skills, LinkedIn lets you showcase what makes you stand out in the real estate game.

Plus, joining groups related to real estate can open doors to new opportunities and advice from seasoned experts. So if you’re thinking about taking your real estate network up a notch, jumping onto LinkedIn could be a smart move.


TikTok is the new kid on the block in social media, loved for its short, catchy videos. It’s a top pick for real estate agents looking to show off their properties in a fun way. With millions of active users around the globe, your listings could get lots of eyes on them fast.

Plus, being creative here can set you apart from others. Think about using cool video tours or quick home improvement tips to grab attention.

This platform isn’t just for dance moves and funny clips; it’s also great for connecting with potential clients who love exploring homes through videos. By posting regularly and tapping into what makes TikTok tick—like trends and hashtags—you can really boost your real estate business.

Don’t forget to make your content stand out by adding your unique touch to each video you share!


Twitter may not be the top pick for real estate professionals looking to push ads or build large networks. Yet, it holds value in other ways. Real estate agents can use this platform to share quick updateseye-catching photos, and engaging videos.

Think of it as a way to keep your social media presence active and interesting. Using GIFs makes tweets pop while retweeting helps in connecting with others in the real estate community.

Asking questions is another smart move on Twitter. It starts conversations and gets people talking about properties or the market. Though it might seem less direct than other platforms, these small actions help maintain an active online image for a real estate agent or broker.

They lay down roots that could grow into new leads or partnerships over time.


Pinterest shines as a visual platform, making it perfect for real estate social networks. It’s packed with users who love dreaming about their next home. This site lets real estate pros share pictures of homes, neighborhoods, and lifestyle ideas that make future homeowners swoon.

Plus, it’s a great way to show off your unique style and expertise in the real estate market.

By using shared boards, agents can work closely with clients to pinpoint exactly what they’re looking for. This technique not only saves time but also helps build strong relationships between buyers and sellers.

Pinterest also supports lead generation by catching the eye of potential new clients with stunning visuals and inspiring content related to real estate listings and marketing strategies.


Trulia stands out in the busy market of social networks for real estate. It’s not just a place to list homes. Here, agents and marketers can make their mark by engaging with potential clients and building up their reputation.

Think of it as your go-to tool for connecting with folks looking to buy or sell houses. You get to show off properties, yes, but also share insights that help buyers and sellers feel more at ease taking their next step.

This platform is key if you want your real estate game to shine online. By using Trulia, you tap into an audience eager for property listings and real estate wisdom. And since Trulia teams up with Zillow, there’s a huge chance for agents to get noticed on two powerful sites at once.

So, put your best foot forward here – update your listings regularly, engage genuinely with users, and watch as leads turn into deals!


Zillow is a big name in the real estate game, standing out among platforms for agents to get noticed. Think of it as a digital street where properties line up, showcasing their best features through photos and descriptions.

Real estate pros use Zillow because it’s part of the top ten go-to places on the internet to connect with buyers and sellers. It’s not just about listing homes—it’s also a spot where you can grow your network and build trust.

With tools like user reviews and messaging, it makes building relationships easier.

Marketing your properties on Zillow puts them in front of many eyes. The platform offers an MLS listing website vibe but adds social interaction into the mix. This dynamic duo—visibility plus networking—gives agents an edge in attracting new business.

Plus, diving into its community features helps establish credibility with potential clients without needing to shout from rooftops about how great you are; let your listings do the talking!

Active Rain

Active Rain is a great place for real estate folks to get together online. Think of it as a big club where agents, marketers, and home sellers meet to share tips. People post blogs, ask questions, and give advice here.

It’s like having a coffee chat but on the internet. And guess what? Active Rain helps you find new people who might want to buy or sell homes.

Using Active Rain means you’re part of one of the top networks for real estate pros. It’s not just about chatting; it’s also about learning how to be better at your job. You can find out what works best in marketing houses and how to attract more customers.

Plus, since so many people use Active Rain, posting good stuff there can really make others notice you and your business.


NextDoor stands out as a key player among the best real estate social networks. This platform lets agents showcase homes and share tips with locals. It’s like being part of the neighborhood’s go-to spot for all things real estate.

Since it shares space with big names like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, using NextDoor means you’re in good company. For any agent looking to connect directly with potential clients in specific areas, this platform is golden.

Real estate pros find NextDoor especially handy for getting the word out on their listings or projects. Think of it as your digital door knocking—minus the actual walking from door to door.

Plus, strategies here can include everything from posting photos of that new listing to sharing success stories from happy homeowners you’ve worked with before. It brings a personal touch that other platforms might lack when targeting local audiences.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Real Estate

Picking the right online place for your real estate stuff can seem like a big puzzle. First, know what kind of houses or apartments you’re selling and who might want to buy them. This helps you find where these people hang out online.

Then, look at how many folks use different sites; some are bigger than others. You’ll want a site that loves real estate talk, where sharing listings and tips feels right at home.

Know Your Niche

To pick the right social media platform for real estate, agents must first understand their niche. This means knowing who you want to sell homes to. For example, if you’re into selling cozy family homes, Facebook and Instagram might be your best bet because a lot of families hang out there.

On the other hand, if luxury condos are more your style, LinkedIn could help connect with professionals looking for upscale living spaces.

Checking user stats helps too. Different platforms attract different age groups and interests. Millennials love searching for homes online; 99% start their hunt on the web. Facebook is a favorite among U.S adults—72% check it daily! So, understanding these patterns can guide where to focus your marketing efforts in the real estate industry.

Check User Stats

Looking at user stats on social media sites is key. It tells you how many people could see your real estate posts. Big numbers mean more eyes and potential leads. Think about Facebook, where 72% of U.S. adults visit daily.

This platform has a lot of users, which makes it great for marketing homes.

It’s smart to use social media management tools here. These tools show you data like who sees your content and when they’re online. This info helps you post at the right time to get noticed by more people interested in buying or selling houses.

Knowing your audience’s habits can turn a quiet social media account into a busy spot full of real estate talks and deals.

Choose a Real Estate-Friendly Platform

Picking the right platform is a big deal for real estate agents. You want one that fits with selling houses and lands. Think about it. Not all social media spots are good for this.

Facebook shines because lots of people use it and you can show off properties well there. Instagram lets you share great photos of homes, which attracts buyers.

Some tools make things easier too. Hootsuite helps schedule posts at just the right time based on when folks are online. This means more eyes on your listings! So, go for platforms where your house-selling talk will feel at home and use tools to keep your posts popping up at perfect times.

Best Practices for Using Social Media in Real Estate

To do well in real estate on social media, showing off happy clients and mixing up videos and photos is key. It’s also smart to use popular tags, share helpful tips, chat with followers, work with other agents, and post often.

Show Social Proof

Showing off how well you do is a smart move. People trust what they see. If past clients were happy with your work, share their stories on social media. Happy customer quotes make great proof that you’re good at selling houses.

Pictures of sold homes also show success.

Sharing stats helps too. For example, if 47% of real estate companies get better leads from social media than other places, tell people! This makes it clear that using platforms like Facebook and Instagram isn’t just for fun—it’s serious business for getting high-quality leads in the housing market.

Use these facts to show why working with you is a smart choice.

Experiment with Content Formats

Try mixing up the types of posts you share. Photos, videos, and stories can all show off properties in unique ways. Videos bring places to life better than pictures alone. Stories on apps like Instagram let you share quick updates or behind-the-scenes looks at houses without cluttering your main page.

Using different media catches more eyes. Some folks love scrolling through photo galleries of homes. Others prefer watching a video tour to feel like they’re walking through the door themselves.

Changing it up keeps your audience engaged and makes sure you don’t miss out on potential leads who prefer one format over another.

Be Strategic with Hashtags

Using smart hashtags on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help your real estate posts get seen by more people. Think of hashtags as keys that unlock doors to different rooms.

Each room has people interested in real estate. You want to find the right room where your audience hangs out. On Facebook, using precise hashtags can make your ads reach the right folks and collect reviews from happy clients.

Instagram loves photos, so it’s perfect for showing off houses and apartments with catchy hashtags. LinkedIn is all about talking with other professionals; using specific tags here can start good conversations about properties and deals.

Always pick hashtags that match what home buyers or sellers are searching for online. This makes sure that the right eyes see your social media stuff.

Create Educational Content

Making learning materials helps a lot. People like to find answers to their house buying and selling questions online. Real estate pros can make videos or write posts that teach something important, such as how to get a loan or the steps to buy a home.

Sharing this kind of info makes people trust you more.

Focus on giving tips that everyone can use, whether they’re looking to buy their first home or sell one they own. Show them how market trends affect prices or what red flags to watch out for during home inspections.

Use simple words and clear pictures or short clips. This way, your advice is easy for anyone to follow and use in real life.

Engage with Your Followers

Talk to your followers like they are right there with you. Answer their questions fast. This makes them feel heard and builds trust. Show off happy clients’ stories and photos, proving your success in real estate social media marketing.

Use polls and quizzes to keep things fun and learn what your audience likes.

Also, share tips on home buying or selling that only insiders know. This will make your followers see you as a go-to person for real estate wisdom. Keep showing up with fresh, helpful content on platforms where real estate agents thrive – like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

And yes, throw in some behind-the-scenes looks at your day-to-day life as an agent. It adds a personal touch everyone loves!

Collaborate with Other Real Estate Agents

Working together with other agents is a smart move. LinkedIn makes it easy for real estate pros to connect. By teaming up, you share tips and win at social media. Think of it like swapping secret recipes that make everyone’s cooking better.

This teamwork means more eyes on your properties too. You spread the word wider, reaching more potential buyers or renters. Plus, learning from each other keeps you sharp and ahead in the game.

It’s all about growing your network and sharing success stories that can help everyone climb higher.

Stay Consistent

Keeping up with your social media posts is key. If you post often, people will see you more. This helps in real estate marketing. Keep sharing houses and tips every day or week. Stick to a schedule that works for you and your followers.

Using tools like calendars can help plan your posts. This way, you won’t miss any chance to connect with new customers or other agents. Being regular on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms keeps your audience waiting for what’s next from you.


So, you’ve got the scoop on using social media to pump up your real estate game. With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn up your sleeve, reaching out to home buyers has never been easier.

And hey, knowing which platform fits like a glove for your style? Priceless. Just mix in some eye-catching posts with smart hashtags and bam – watch those leads roll in. Remember folks, it’s all about staying active and connecting with people.

That’s how you make the magic happen in today’s digital age of selling homes. Let’s keep those posts flowing and doors opening!


1. What’s the big deal with social media for real estate, anyway?

Oh, where to start! Social media isn’t just about scrolling through cat videos anymore (though, let’s be honest, that’s still a perk). For real estate pros like you and me, it’s a gold mine for generating leads and building relationships. Think of it as your digital handshake – but way cooler because you can reach thousands with just one post.

2. Which platforms should I be camping out on?

You’ve got options! But not all social media is created equal when it comes to selling houses or commercial spaces. The top picks? Facebook is like that reliable friend who’s always there – great for ads and showing off properties. Instagram is your glossy magazine full of pretty pictures… perfect for those drool-worthy home tours. And don’t forget LinkedIn; it’s like the networking event of your dreams, minus the awkward small talk.

3. How do I even start?

First off, breathe! Then dive into creating accounts on these platforms if you haven’t already (yes, now!). Fill them up with engaging content – think listings, tips for homebuyers/sellers, market insights… sprinkle in some personality too! Remember: people love buying from humans they feel connected to.

4. Any secrets to getting more eyes on my posts?

Ah-ha! Yes – welcome to the world of hashtags and engagement strategies. Use popular real estate hashtags (#DreamHome anyone?) so folks searching can stumble upon your gems easily… Like finding money in an old coat pocket – surprise but awesome! Engage by commenting back when people take time out of their busy lives to comment on yours; trust me; it makes them feel special.

5. Can this really help me sell more properties?

Absolutely – no joke here (for once). By staying active and engaged on the right platforms, you’re essentially throwing open your doors wide open 24/7… without actually having to leave your couch (score!). It lets potential clients peek into how amazing working with you would be before they even meet you.

6. Is there such a thing as too much posting?

Yes …and no? Look at it this way: You want to stay present in their minds but not become that annoying friend who won’t stop talking about their diet. Balance is key – mix up your content types and keep things fresh without overwhelming feeds with just listings or sales pitches.

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