Real Estate Assistant Jobs Opportunities




Real Estate Assistant Jobs

Finding the right job in real estate can be tough. There are 2955 Real Estate Assistant jobs waiting on as of May 9. Our article will guide you through some hot opportunities available right now.

Keep reading, and let’s find your next job!

Los Angeles, CA: Real Estate Assistant Opportunities

Los Angeles, CA Real Estate Assistant Opportunities 251049228

In Los Angeles, CA, the hunt for real estate assistant jobs is on. This city offers a mix of roles from office help in tall buildings to helping with buying and selling homes.

Property Administrator

A Property Administrator plays a big role in real estate. They take care of buildings and land for property management companiesKeller Williams Realty, or even Greystar. Their job is to make sure everything runs smoothly.

This means they handle leases, talk to tenants, and fix problems when they happen. They work with lots of people every day.

This person also helps with the money side of things. They keep track of rent payments and make sure bills get paid on time. Sometimes, they might help show places to people looking to rent or buy.

It’s a busy job that needs someone who is good at organizing and talking to people. If you like real estate and helping others, this could be a great choice for you.

Real Estate Transaction Coordinator

A Real Estate Transaction Coordinator plays a key role in making sure deals close on time. They handle all the paperwork and deadlines, working closely with real estate agents, buyers, and sellers.

Their job is to make sure every i is dotted and every t is crossed in the buying or selling process. This includes preparing contractsscheduling inspections, and communicating with all parties involved.

I once worked on a team where our Coordinator was like the superhero behind the scenes. They kept track of important dates for us, made sure everyone knew what they needed to do next, and solved problems before anyone else even noticed there was one.

It’s a job that requires great organization skills and attention to detail since they manage lots of information from different sources – like legal documents from lawyers and financial details from banks.

Coordinators are essential for keeping transactions moving smoothly towards closing day without unnecessary delays or issues.

Administrative Assistant, Class A High Rise Office

In big cities like Los Angeles, a job as an Administrative Assistant in a Class A skyscraper is very important. These assistants keep the office running smooth. They answer calls, schedule meetings, and help with documents.

Their work supports real estate agents by making sure everything needed for buying or selling buildings is ready.

For this role, good time management and being detail-oriented are key skills. You’ll need to work well with others inside and outside the company. If you’re good at organizing and enjoy keeping track of many things at once, this job could be a great fit for you.

Milwaukee, WI: Real Estate Assistant Vacancies

Milwaukee, WI Real Estate Assistant Vacancies 251049939

In Milwaukee, WI, the job market is heating up with new openings for real estate assistants. This city offers a range of roles for those ready to dive into the real estate scene.

Mortgage Support Clerk

A Mortgage Support Clerk helps with home loan paperwork and talks to customers. They make sure all documents are right and send them where they need to go. This job is key for real estate agents because it helps close deals faster.

These clerks work hard, pay attention to details, and use computers well.

In Milwaukee, these clerks are in demand. They join a team that handles lots of home loans every day. Their work makes buying houses smoother for everyone involved. Plus, they learn a lot about the housing market and financial papers.

Accounting Assistant

In Milwaukee, WI, the role of a money tracking helper is key for those in the real estate field. This job involves helping with money matters and keeping track of financial records.

From my own experience, this job needs someone good with numbers and detail. You’ll work closely with other team members to make sure all money things are correct and up-to-date.

This position is not just about number crunching; it’s also about being organized and able to manage several tasks at once. For instance, you might help prepare reports that show how well properties are doing financially or help make budgets for new projects.

The best part? You get to see how your work directly helps your team succeed in the bustling world of real estate.

Commercial Assistant

Milwaukee has great jobs for those looking to step into the real estate industry, including a key role as a Commercial Assistant. This job is perfect for anyone who loves both the financial and operational sides of property management.

You get to work closely with commercial properties, making sure everything runs smoothly. From handling rent collections to overseeing maintenance tasks, your day will be full of variety.

It’s a chance to really shine by keeping tenants happy and ensuring that properties are well-maintained.

My first-hand experience in this role taught me so much about real estate operations. I worked on several projects that improved the buildings we managed, which was incredibly rewarding.

The skills you need include excellent communication since you’ll deal with people daily and strong organizational abilities to keep track of all your responsibilities. If you’re detail-oriented and enjoy working in a team, being a Commercial Assistant could be a great fit for you! Plus, it opens doors for more opportunities in the real estate field down the line.

Chicago, IL: Real Estate Assistant Jobs

In Chicago, IL, there are exciting jobs for real estate helpers waiting just for you—check them out and see where you fit best!

Real Estate Sales Agent

real estate sales agent helps people buy and sell homes. They know a lot about houses, neighborhoods, and prices. Agents work hard to find the best deals for their clients. They talk to buyers and sellers, show homes, and help with paperwork.

In cities like Chicago, being an agent means you’re part of a big market. You need good skills in talking to people, understanding legal stuff about houses, and managing your time.

I worked as a real estate sales agent before. Every day was different. Some days I showed homes to families looking for their dream house. Other days I spent at my desk making sure all the paperwork was right for a sale.

The best part was when I helped someone find their perfect home or sell their house at a good price. It felt great to make people happy with my work.

Assistant Managing Broker

In Chicago, the job of an Assistant Managing Broker is up for grabs. This role plays a crucial part in real estate firms. It requires someone who can lead and guide other agents while managing daily tasks.

The person must have great time management skills to keep things running smoothly. They should also be good at helping with papers that need signatures or dealing with customer questions.

I once worked closely with an Assistant Managing Broker. This experience showed me how vital they are to keeping clients happy and making sure deals close on time. They often step in to solve problems before they grow bigger.

If you’re detail-oriented and like being part of a team, this could be a perfect match for you. Plus, working in this position teaches you about all parts of real estate sales, from showing properties to closing deals—a great step if you aim high in your career.

Administrative Assistant – Real Estate Investors

For real estate investors, a skilled administrative helper is like gold. This person does more than just paperwork. They handle calls, organize files, and keep schedules tight. Their work makes sure deals go smoothly from start to finish.

Every email sent out or meeting set up can lead to big wins for the team.

My first job in this field showed me how crucial these tasks are. I managed calendars for meetings that decided if properties worth millions got bought or not. Real estate investor assistants also help write offers that seal deals.

They need a sharp eye for details and must be great with time management. Working closely with agents and investors taught me the value of keeping every document and deadline straight.

It’s more than just support; it’s about being part of a team aiming high in real estate success.


The world of real estate is buzzing. New job posts pop up every day on, offering a chance to dive into the field. From Los Angeles to Chicago, opportunities wait for those ready to jump in.

Whether it’s helping with property tasks or managing deals, these jobs open doors for many. So, take a peek at what’s out there and find your spot in the exciting realm of buildings and sales.

Now’s the time to apply and start your journey in this busy world!

For those interested in the financial aspects of real estate, learn more about what real estate lawyers earn.

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